Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

hi hurley
what do you mean by tagging???
all of the images i have seen of these birds they have black beaks
your chipmunks have yellow beaks
why would that be ??
Congrats on the babies! I'm a proud grandma!!! Hurley, how many did you finally get hatched out?

We got our new Dog proof coop built and I pick up my new flock of Iowa Blues today! Tonight I'll start the eggs I saved and the 1 a day I've been getting from my remaining pullet.
Hopefully I'll be able to save a few from my old stock.

We got eggs in the bator..I think there are a few IA's in there, but most are mutt eggs..Hopefully I can get a few more IA's this time. Got 2 last time but 1 died.

Oh and my iowa blue roo got all noisy for the girls acting like some feathers in the pen were treats *sigh* those birds and feathers, I think they need more protien and to go outside already!

We got eggs in the bator..I think there are a few IA's in there, but most are mutt eggs..Hopefully I can get a few more IA's this time. Got 2 last time but 1 died.

Oh and my iowa blue roo got all noisy for the girls acting like some feathers in the pen were treats *sigh* those birds and feathers, I think they need more protien and to go outside already!

you posted the best photos of iowa blues
i didn't understand what people were talking about
now i have some idea about coloration lacing penciling
its not compleatly clear but i just wanted to say thanks
for helping clear some things up for me
are they from jakob van????
good luck

They are. He sold his adult flock to me. Got them home last night. I haven't got a good look at them in daylight yet, but I think at least one hen has good color! Setting eggs tonight from my old flock.

We got eggs in the bator..I think there are a few IA's in there, but most are mutt eggs..Hopefully I can get a few more IA's this time. Got 2 last time but 1 died.

Oh and my iowa blue roo got all noisy for the girls acting like some feathers in the pen were treats *sigh* those birds and feathers, I think they need more protien and to go outside already!

you posted the best photos of iowa blues
i didn't understand what people were talking about
now i have some idea about coloration lacing penciling
its not compleatly clear but i just wanted to say thanks
for helping clear some things up for me

You're welcome
I did want better photos, but they are alll inside a building with heat lamps, or were when it was colder, so it wasn't the best lighting to take pics. We are getting stuff ready to put them outside and then I can get some better pictures.
Ended up with 8 good chicks from Sandhill, 3 blacks, 5 chipmunks. From Karimw's eggs I got all black chicks, 7 at this time. Had a couple weaker ones die off from both groups.

So at this time I've got 5 chipmunks and 10 blacks. Not a bad start. Apparently I am getting a 2 week old pullet from a friend , so will see what that looks like. Reportedly ordered from Texas.

Got some photos tonight of the week old Sandhills and the half week olds from Kari. Amazing the size difference a couple days makes.

The chipmunks look so different in how they are feathering in currently. Be interesting to see how the two types compare as adults.

Chicks from Karimw:



Chicks from Sandhill:






Should have gotten more, but the house (and then the incubators) spiked temps right during the hatch, got not a single chick after that...24 marans eggs, 6 ameraucanas, and the rest of the Iowa Blues. However, I did get a decent number out of the clutch to get started with, in addition to the Sandhill's chicks. Will add more stock down the line as it comes available.

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