Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

I'm really excited about this upcoming year.

Getting my chicks in a row, so to speak. Going to get NPIP this year, just need to get the antigen in and test the birds. Forms are filled out and ready to roll. Pullorum antigen on order (thinking I May split up the bottle and offer smaller portions out as it is pricey at 1000 tests/bottle size. I know Twin Cities poultry used to offer 100 dose bottles, but not anymore. I've got the medicine bottles to split it, so that may help some people out.) At any rate, planning to get my flock all tested now before it gets larger. Already have the forms, am a certified tester, and have the setup to run the tests, leg bands here for tagging, so I should be good to go.

Found some print outs that I made a year or so ago when I was researching into showing and NPIP, nice group of informative articles here:
I found them interesting, at any rate. Enjoyed going back through them.

We've got a magazine include IBs in an article and early plans are beginning for a show meet in Iowa this year. Standard should be rolling soon. This year's going to rock!
I'm excited as well! I'll have about 3 dozen to set for the NYD Hatch

I also recently sent in my forms for NPIP

Here's a few recent photos of my flock. Don't mind the yellow legs - those are SP rocks :) They have been separated since I started collecting eggs They make an interesting comparison.

I like the comparison, really helps you see what is special about the appearance of our breed.

Great photos. :)
Got the NPIP forms in the envelope, going out in the mail tomorrow. :D

Wonder how long it takes to process...
I got my NPIP guy coming out tomorrow still needing hatching eggs NPIP now, I know I have spoken with a few of you about hatching eggs but my memory is.... What was I talking about ? Oh yes my memory stinks I have a bad case of CRS. As things are cooling off rather quickly I may wait till spring.
These are some really great looking birds. I just started keeping layers after many years of not having them. For the last two years I've raised 25 or 30 meat birds each year. Right now, I have three nice australorps which are approaching laying age - in fact I got my first two eggs from them this week, and two red sex links I picked up at a swap that will be old enough to start laying around Feb., and a cornish cross hen that got in with my last batch of meaties. She is doing well and all are getting along superbly. I am mainly interested in Australorps, New Hampshires, and Iowa Blues, and plan on developing my own flocks of breeding stock. I have a great ten acre parcel for them to roam around with lots of cover to help with the dangers of hawk attacks. I would be interested in talking with you and other breeders about eggs for hatching this spring. I want to get the best quality lines I can afford. So if you have any interest in talking with me, shoot me an email.
I'm excited as well! I'll have about 3 dozen to set for the NYD Hatch

I also recently sent in my forms for NPIP

Here's a few recent photos of my flock. Don't mind the yellow legs - those are SP rocks :) They have been separated since I started collecting eggs They make an interesting comparison.

Keep me posted on the eggs I would love to have some from that flock..Very nice indeed

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