Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

I wish you luck! Sounds like they are on their way.

Got some cooking right now, too. Hoping for the best!
Thanks in great part to you for all your support and knowledge. I hope we can work together on this in the future.
Some photos from before this last cold snap showing my two older roosters. Thought it made a nice comparison for one without much chest lacing vs. chest lacing. Also included a photo of my favorite hen for body type. Granted her color is lacking a lot of lacing/color, but she's got the best body of any of my hens.

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Some photos from before this last cold snap showing my two older roosters. Thought it made a nice comparison for one without much chest lacing vs. chest lacing. Also included a photo of my favorite hen for body type. Granted her color is lacking a lot of lacing/color, but she's got the best body of any of my hens.

I love this hen. I agree. She could be our "Poster Child" for type.

My 6 chicks from the NYD hatch (covered in their fermented feed, so forgive me). I've labeled them as to the amount of yellow at hatch (light/medium/dark) and as what they feather sexed out to be at 1 day of age. Time will tell, though at least #2 looks definitely roo.
The chick?, photo from a day or so ago. If you meant the rooster above, those photos were from recent as well.

The chicks are really feeling their oats this weekend, have been all kinds of onery in the brooder and the boys think they are boys now, mock sparring. LOL Going to have to move them out to the grow-out shed soon, where they'll have more room to zip around stretch their wings.
Chicks from NYD hatch
These are the ones born yellow at 2 weeks

yellow chicks at 4 weeks - color is a little yellow from the lights in the brooder - they are mostly white and grey.

Mixed group


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