Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

And some recent pictures of my Sp hens, recently with an SP Rock rooster.

Two of my Silver Penciled Rock hens. The thing that helps me here is the off type dark stain on their legs

I love them kari ! They are beauties. The black legs dont bother me a bit, I prefer them.

We want the black legs on the Iowa Blues, but the Rocks should have yellow legs. I'm attempting to introduce some improvements by outcrossing to the rocks, but will have to breed out the yellow legs and light eyes.
The hen in the first pic is fantastic!!!!! Her type is good and so is her color. That's a great example of what our hens should look like if we're going to restore the original type and color. Congrats Kari. Well done! :) I just can't get enough of her, just let her soak in so to speak.
When I first laid eyes on this hen on a visit to Kari's, I thought to myself. "There's still hope that we can revive this breed. It's still possible to obtain stock like I remembered. It is still possible to have my birds back!"

Your work on this Kari is outstanding! A big, no HUGE thank you!
The hen in this pic has the brick shape we were referring to the other night, she just has too much fluff on her bottom for it to really show. So, in a future discussion, we will need to discuss whether or not to keep this feature and write it into the standard.
And some recent pictures of my Sp hens, recently with an SP Rock rooster.

Two of my Silver Penciled Rock hens. The thing that helps me here is the off type dark stain on their legs

Hi Kari - these are great looking birds! Congrats and well done!

I went into lockdown yesterday with the ten remaining eggs I got from you. I'm hoping that some of them will have survived the trip from IA and that I will have at least a few hatch and give me something to start with. I don't know why, but I love the looks of this breed.

You have helped move the breed ahead light years. Time and again you eagerly acknowledge the awesome group of IBCC breeders that you are working with out there who have contributed so much to each other's progress, and therefore are paving the way for people like me to join in and make a contribution to the restoration of this breed. I look forward to seeing more amazing photos from all of you as you move this breed forward.
I'm really happy that interest in them finally take off. It's just a matter of getting the right people involved in the project! It certainly can't be done by one person.Connie Hurley and Jim Heinze have done a great job promoting them and increasing publicity. Trish Ducil and Eric Bilney are a huge asset with their experience in showing and understanding the SOP. All part of the process of getting the breed standardized! Curt Burroughs is a long time fan of the Iowa Blues and has really shed the light on what the birds are supposed to look like.

I've hung on to these silver birds for 2 years under the impression they weren't "right", I'm glad our recent investigations into the true history of the birds has validated that I was on the right track. As a club we are going to have our work cut out for us reversing the direction the hatcheries have gone with them. We just need to get them out there to keep the line going!

Dan, I'm really excited to see what hatches for you!
I'm really happy that interest in them finally take off. It's just a matter of getting the right people involved in the project!

I've hung on to these silver birds for 2 years under the impression they weren't "right", I'm glad our recent investigations into the true history of the birds has validated that I was on the right track. As a club we are going to have our work cut out for us reversing the direction the hatcheries have gone with them. We just need to get them out there to keep the line going!

Dan, I'm really excited to see what hatches for you!
Hi Kari -

tomorrow is the big day, but I can officially let you know that I now have a pip in one of the eggs. So I may have at least one little bugger by tomorrow. This is the 700th post on this thread, my favorite number is 7, maybe I'll have 7 chicks hatch. I would be happy with that. I will be looking in on them at all hours of the night. And yet, I am still not too optimistic about this hatch for some reason. We should know more by tomorrow evening. Send good thoughts my way!


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