Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

Whats all this talk of ILT are the Iowa Blue's really that susceptible ? I do think the Iowa Blue's are very interesting indeed but don't want to take a chance with them if they are that susceptible.
Pickled Chicken- About the LT, Glenn shared with us that his birds experienced losses when exposed to the disease and it caused a near extinction. Now that said, he did have only a small flock that was inbred to due lack of other breeders. I strongly believe that as we work on developing our own lines as separate breeders, and we hatch out large numbers (culling all but the thriftiest), we will in short order be able to overcome this shortfall. Now, that said, I've never experienced the disease and know very little about it. But it would stand to reason that by selecting the strongest birds every year, we would eventually develop lines that aren't suseptable to the disease.

Your description of the really light silver chicks developing a solid white head and breast reminds me of WC Fenton's description of his hens in the 1955 article. It states that his birds are a mostly white bird with a blue-grey developing on the sides and getting completely blue-grey at tails end.

I'll be curious to see if these birds develop into that description. I'd also be interested to see what would happen when they are crossed to the birched colored stock. Would they resemble the silver penciled variety? Interesting. Those chicks certainly resembled pheasant chicks when they were born! :)
My yellow chicks are turning into a very light version of the chocolate chicks. Pure silverery white on head, neck and center of breast. Although maybe they are lighter than the ideal, they are gorgeous! I think they will benefit my breeding program at least.

I did order ILT vaccine, though not happy about it either. Plan to vaccinate my older chicks tonight. Hope that's OK, Connie.
Hi Kari, Connie and everyone

Kari, will you elaborate on what you meant by this please. Is there a choice of vaccines or only one for this disease. What is the name of the medication and at what age is it given?

My five are growing well and looking good. They are flighty and feisty little buggers. I enjoy their antics.
Hi Kari, Connie and everyone

Kari, will you elaborate on what you meant by this please. Is there a choice of vaccines or only one for this disease. What is the name of the medication and at what age is it given?

My five are growing well and looking good. They are flighty and feisty little buggers. I enjoy their antics.

I ordered the vaccine from McMurry though it's given with an eyedropper, not added to the water. I will vaccinate my chicks at 4 weeks and again around 12 weeks. As I plan to show these birds I think it's worth the cost. The vaccine isn't that expensive, so I think it's worth it. If you don't plan to take them anywhere or introduce outside birds to your flock maybe you don't need to worry about it.
To what Kari mentioned- As I understand it, so long as you aren't adding in outside birds or showing, there isn't a need to vaccinate.

Smith Poultry sells a vaccine that can be administered via eyedropper to the nostril or in the water. Although on the site the vaccine is listed as a nasil vaccine only, Smith Poultry has confirmed that the vaccine can be applied via the drinking water. It costs $11.00 w/out shipping.

Also, I've heard mention that using the vaccine via eyedropper to the nostril can cause some eye issues in the birds. Again, I have no experience vaccinating my birds or LT, so take that with a grain of salt.
We do have a fantastic group of enthusiasts!!! This breed is on the verge of extinction and maybe that gives us a greater motivation. But definately the personalities of everyone make this group an amazing club to be part of.
Fine with vaccinating, Kari, though I think I remembered mention that they recommended the drinking water variant due to eye reactions with the other. Sorry, not at my computer to look it up... Just something that tickled my memory.

I plan to vaccinate this year, as well, though I also am not a huge vaccination fan, if the risk is high enough to warrant it (i.e.. I don't wish to lose my flock the first time I try to show them), I think it's worth it.

Heading for Iowa tomorrow, so will be sporadic for internet access the next few days, but will try to check in from my folks' place while home.
Looking forward to visiting on Sunday. :)

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