Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

I'm glad to hear others are experiencing this as well. It is quite unique to the little buggers, and I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

Connie- Thanks for your diligent up-keep of our breed page. I was talking to my wife about it lastnight, and she mentioned that the secretary's job is one of the most important and many times the most un-thanked position in the club. So, I want to give you a huge THANK YOU!!!

To everyone else, if you haven't checked out the website in the last couple of days, we've got some neat things going on. First, the Standard Committee had a great meeting on Saturday and nearly completed the Standard for the Silver Penciled Hen. We made some great strides on her.
Also, Connie has posted a Membership List. Now we can see how our membership is coming along as well as locations of people interested in this breed. This is a great resource to find and locate others in your location who are interested in preserving our breed!
Excellent post sir! I was impressed when I looked in on the website yesterday. Well Done All. You guys are workers that's for sure. Double Dittos to Connie!
Check out this pic that I found on a website that sells posters. Apparently this pic is a poster you can buy. What I found interesting is that it appears to be a silver penciled type (white on the primaries) and of good size too. I contacted the company to see if they could locate the source of this picture.......maybe another lead will pop up.......we'll see.

Just a note that I perused the chicken magazines at TSC today while picking up some supplies. The Hobby Farms Poultry Issue was there (with the article I posted earlier). There was a chicken breeds magazine as well by Hobby Farms that had a page on Iowa Blues with an artistic rendering of a silver birchen hen and rooster and the typical, often repeated few paragraphs of info you see all over the net, for the most part. A third magazine had a listing of heritage breeds, with Iowa Blue listed in the study section.

Anyway, that's 3 of 4 chicken magazines in the place, all at least mentioning the breed. Woot, IBs!
That's VERY EXCITING Connie!! I've been seeing a lot more coverage of the breed as well, although, like you said, usually the same old storyline. But, it's coverage non the less.
You guys have some beautiful birds :) Here's my little pullet!! Besides the bit of gold I think she's so PRETTY!!
Not sure how I'm going to make the wait all the way into June for chicks...

So as she grows more she'll lose all that color on her tail/back area?
I'll have to take a picture in sunlight so you can see it more clearly, but problem is it's been cloudy everyday!!!

And I really, really want more

Don't know why my hatch rate was so bad.
I hatched a 95% rate with my Javas last week , but Iowa Blues, nope.
I tried twice and I only ended up with her
Yes, she should turn a more gray blue color and hopfully much of the barring she has will change to pencilling too. If you want to try again, my girlss are laying well :)
YAY! Thats good to hear!!! I will probably message you in a month or so about eggs. I'm worn out from all the chicks running around right now
I need a mini-break and then I'm sure I'll be hatching again . Thanks!!!!!

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