Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

I know the feeling Deb. When I was over to Kari's house during our Standard Committee meetings, I would thumb through her copy and just dream about having my own. Then my wife surprized me with a birthday gift! Bless her heart. She's a keeper for sure!
I know the feeling Deb. When I was over to Kari's house during our Standard Committee meetings, I would thumb through her copy and just dream about having my own. Then my wife surprized me with a birthday gift! Bless her heart. She's a keeper for sure!
Nice wife..........................has she considered taking a wife too? My DH might not mind

Wait, maybe it would just be easier to ask for the book, I have a BIG birthday coming up (gosh I'm old!)
Chickens packed and clean, dang it's hot out today, of course. Where's that 75 degrees we had a day or so ago?

Gotta get myself packed up and head towards Iowa. See you guys tomorrow!

Not sure if I'll have internet access before then, so will see you there.
I'm sure we will Deb.

Anybody else that needs my cell number feel free to pm for it. I need to charge my phone for a bit then I'll have it with me.
I would like to congratulate Kari and Connie on a great shøwing at the North Iowa Fair. In the open show, there were no other large fowl breeds with as many entries. Great job.

It was nice meeting Emily and her mom and seeing Eric, Curt, Kari, and Connie again.
I really enjoyed the day
I took an SP hen, 2 SP pullets, 1 birchen cockerel and a birchen cock (Rex). I'm not really sure if placing is important at this point, but I'd say it was a day for the ladies. The judges seemed to like the pullets best.

Most importantly though, the feedback from the judges and other exhibitors was very positive! Both the Northern Iowa and Eastern Iowa Show officials are offering us some great publicity opportunities and are encouraging us to come to their shows.

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