Iowa Blues - Breed thread and discussion

We have some boys hatch out that start out timid, but they end up being the nicest boys around. Our worst acting Iowa was a huge smokey boy that would stalk and try to go after Brett all the time. That guy is in the freezer as a result. Too bad, he was a beauty, but nasty is not what you want in a cockerel. Our boy JB is very nice both to us and the girls :)

For the rest of the group, Gandalf is out full time in a coop and even trying to do his rooster thing with one leg :) He is very happy to be with his chicken buddies and not lonely any more.
Here's a few shots of him this morning.

And here's him hiding in the nesting box today. hope I find him a good home.

I agree with Kari on her assessment of Tiny Dancer! All around a very nice pullet. She's got nice type, nice color, a nice tail, and I too like her head. :)

I didn't get started hatching until late this year, but I'm pretty excited about the juveniles I have in my grow out pens. I'm getting lots of dark eyes and slate legs, but am still struggling with loose wings and size could always be better. I'm seeing some really good looking birds on the forums this year. Keep up the awesome job!

Looks like you beat me to the punch on this! :) Good work.

To all you IB peeps, I just posted on this thread sharing my experiences with the breed. Please do the same as this is a fantastic opportunity to share our breed with others who may not have heard about the IB before. It'll also give us the opportunity to answer any questions others may have about the breed as they first come in contact with the IB.

Thanks for your help.

Very nice.

That poor cockerel of mine is currently convinced that the big girls in the flock are going to eat him alive. been having to kick him out of the nest boxes lately. Got a hold of him tonight and had him on my lap for a while, then popped him up on the roost next to one of my BSL's. boy is just going to have to suck it up until I find him a new home.

The girl we have for you looks much like Tiny, except she is much more white on the head, neck, and shoulders :) I hope you do find a home for your cockerel soon.

Top pict is Diesel this past Winter in mid crow! We just love him and so thankful to Kari for selling us this Trio of Silver Iowa Blues.
Bottom pict: Is Diesel with his two gals, Heather & Lacy enjoying a few mealworms on a sunny afternoon just the other day.

We have progeny from this trio in the grow out pen right now, 4 roosters and 7 pullets, plus 2 more tbd. She will be showing her chickens for 4-H, and our local Monroe County Fair at the end of July. We were told to bring a copy of the Iowa Blue standards for the judge.....which I found not surprising, but funny nonetheless.
I guess my daughter will have to school them on the Iowa Blues.

We also have 3 Smokey Pullets & 2 roosters that will be 6 months on mid June. I need to take updated picts of those guys & gal, because they are looking really nice.

We also just finished up our bloodwork and paperwork ,here in Illinois to be an NPIP Cert. flock. Now just to wait to get our NPIP flock # in the mail. We're almost set to go!

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