Is 100w enough?


Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 3, 2011
Western WI
Hello everyone
Is a 100w ceramic heat emitter enough heat? I accidently ordered the 100w instead of the 150w from Amazon. I'm not sure if the 50w makes a difference between the two, but I felt like 150w was a good level. On a suggestion from another BYCer, I am planning on using a 250w red heat bulb for the first week and then switching to the ceramic bulb. By the way, they aren't coming until JUne 20th so it's not a pressing issue right now but I just wanted to check with you guys to see what you thought.
My limited experience with 30 chicks last fall is that it depends mostly on how many chicks and distance. Basically, when sleeping the chicks arrange themselves at a distance from the heat source that makes them comfortable. So, you just need to make sure there is enough area with just the right amount of heat where they will be comfortable. So, with 30 chicks if I put the lamp at a distance where only the very center was warm enough I would have a problem because they would be lying on top of each other. On the other hand if the center is a little too warm there is probably a nice circle around the heat lamp that is just right. So, I would say the key is to have the heat over half the brooder and to make sure the chicks can get away and decide for themselves what is comfortable.

I did basically the same thing you are proposing and switched the 250W bulb with a 150W bulb after two weeks. In a stunning development all 30 chicks survived, but I don't think that is in any wau due to any particular technique I made.
Are they outside? I brood mine inside, and only use 100w. One thing you could do is put a thermometer in several spots in the brooder, and see what the actual temp is. That will tell you if you need more heat.
I think I will have them inside, just because I have feeling I will want to watch them all the time
Thats a very good idea with the thermometers, I think I will try that. Thanks!
Wow thats great that all of they survived! I'm hoping all of mine survive too (
) since I'm only getting six. Yes I was thinking I would put the heat so it covered half of the brooder, so they coulc go in and out of the heat as they choose. Did you put the lamp near the end of the brooder or in the middle? Thanks!
i brood inside my house is warm so a 75 watt is fine for first week. i am too cheap to buy extra bulbs. i use 75 watt,60 and 40 watts.each one for about 2 weeks. just check temp. the size of the bulb depends on room temp and brooder size and cover. if extra heat is needed first week i use alumium foil for cover to hold heat in.

i have 4 calls in my living room with 75 watt and foil. they just hatched today.

i do off to the side alittle bit. so they can move in and out of heat.
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I like the idea of foil! Thats a great idea! Ok, I was thinking that it should be to the side for that very reason. By the way, congratulations on your hatch! Thanks so much for your help.

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