Is 2 nesting boxes enough?


Dec 15, 2017
Simla, CO
I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, but if I have 6 hens, some of whom are older and not really laying much, is it enough to have 2 nesting boxes for the group of them? I have one hen that likes to sleep in one of the boxes. The three new ones (that I don't have yet) will be laying more than the 3 I have now, and my coop only has 2 nesting boxes. Just curious if I need to put another one or two together in their coop. I'm sure I can find space in there.
I have 4 nesting boxes and about 13 hens who are currently laying. Almost all of them fight over one box. They also aren’t afraid to crowd together. So yes, 2 boxes is enough for 6 hens.
It will probably work. You could put in another, and that would be even better. You definitely need to stop that hen from sleeping in the box. Try and go out there before the chickens roost, and shoo them away from the boxes. You can either keep shooing them while they try to roost, or pick her up and put her on the roost. Keep doing that, and she should stop after a while.
Thanks for your thoughts. I can try, but she's kinda deformed and my friend that I got her from said she doesn't roost to sleep she likes to cozy into a nest so I'm not sure how successful I'd be at getting her not to sleep in there. An old dog, new trick kinda thing I think :)

I will see if there's space to add a 3rd one somewhere.
I have one nest box for 9 Rhode Island Reds... it's 36" wide, 14" tall and 15" deep inside measurements. I've seen as many as 3 in the box at once and they all seem comfortable. I'd bet that 4 could fit if need be. Get nice clean eggs out the back.

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Thanks for your thoughts. I can try, but she's kinda deformed and my friend that I got her from said she doesn't roost to sleep she likes to cozy into a nest so I'm not sure how successful I'd be at getting her not to sleep in there. An old dog, new trick kinda thing I think :)

I will see if there's space to add a 3rd one somewhere.

Build her a box that is higher than the nest boxes so she will want to sleep in it.

Yeah that should be enough! If you get a couple more you might want to get at least one more but it should be enough for now. They're probobly just going to use one of them. :lol:
I have one hen that likes to sleep in one of the boxes
Personaly, I wouldn't let her sleep in there because she will poop in there and your eggs could get dirty. But thats just a suggestion if you have that problem.
Thanks for your thoughts. I can try, but she's kinda deformed and my friend that I got her from said she doesn't roost to sleep she likes to cozy into a nest so I'm not sure how successful I'd be at getting her not to sleep in there. An old dog, new trick kinda thing I think :)

I will see if there's space to add a 3rd one somewhere.
My thoughts exactly. She's older and crippled and incapable of roosting at night. Add a covered kitty litter box on the floor for her. Block the nesting boxes or physically put her in it after dark to train her to her new sleeping spot.

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