Is an Incubator a Fire Hazard?


9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
The Lakes Region, NH
I'm going to be setting my very first batch of eggs in the coming week with the LG bator I received this Christmas. DH and I are a little paranoid about leaving the incubator running when we're not at home. I will obviously not set it near anything flamable, and I want to set it up on a stable metal table in my home office where I can shut the door to keep the dogs and cats out. I work from home so I should be able to keep an eye on it most of the time, but I can't be confined to my house for an entire month! Has any one had any ill experience with their incubator catching fire? Info to learn from or reassurance that we're paranoid will be much appreciated! Thank you!
I don't think an incubator is any worse than leaving a refrigerator or crock pot running in your home. As long as it is set on a stable surface, and not near other flammable items, you should be fine. An incubator is safer than Christmas tree lights, anyway. Happy Hatching!!
I put my kitties in another room when we aren't home to reduce the likelyhood they will mess with it. My kitties are very curious and mischevious creatures and I just feel better not having them with the inc. when I'm not home. Mine is homemade though, with an exposed light.
On my list of fire hazards on my farm the incubator does not even make the list. Anything that uses power can be a fire hazard but the Lg incubator ranks about even with a light-bulb. Now when we get to brooder setups, that is where fire hazards are.
I do not believe an Incurbator is a fire hazard. Plus if you unplug it to go out, you will most likely eliminate any chances of hatching any eggs with it.

Good luck with your hatch and welcome to the chicken world!

I would think that the heating element would have to be touching something flammable in order to start a fire, since it is insulated with Styrofoam. Unless the electrical wiring of the incubator starts on fire. But I think the likelihood of that is the same as an outlet in your wall starting on fire. I have an LG sitting on the carpet in my living room and I am not worried about it at all.
Water boils at 100 C (212 F) and fire needs a lot more heat.

Just make sure you do not have any exposed wires or any improper wiring and you should be fine.
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