Is Any Amount Of Cocci Necessarily Bad?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 10, 2012
Monroe, Washington
Took in a poo sample to be tested, and it came back with "low" level cocci (they said 3 out of 10). I know you give medicated feed to chicks until their immune system can fight off cocci, but these birds are almost a year old (I have 6 hens). If the bird is not showing signs of illness, could there be an acceptable level of cocci in their system, or should I treat with Corid to try to rid it all from her system. In other words, is it only a problem if the cocci level is high, overloads her system and makes her sick. I'm sure we all have some level of local "bugs" in our system as well which isn't a problem unless it gets out of balance.

Thanks for your inputs!

The only time cocci becomes an issue that requires treatment is when a bird's system is overloaded with cocci. A low level of cocci is acceptable and even expected.

Good luck.

That's what I thought. They all seem lively and healthy, but I know they tend to hide their illnesses until they're really feeling bad. I'll just keep an eye on them and get another test if they show any symptoms.


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