Is anyone setting eggs today? (2/5/12)

I set 14 BCM and 12 Ameruacana's late last night so I guess today is day one. I'm in with you. What did you set?
10 in the Incubator!
1 Easter Egger, 2 Barred Rocks, and 7 Delaware & Rhode Island mixes from a neighbor. My girls just started laying on the 5th but they laid after being shut up in the coop for the night so the eggs were frozen when I found them the next morning :( This is our first time using the incubator though so I'm just hoping for any to hatch! I wish I had enough to fill the incubator because we love baby chickies here!
Best of Luck Everyone!
I put 10 in my incubator on Sunday (the 5th) in the morning. They are all silkies. BBS colors. My girls just started laying and they aren't laying every day, either. Would have loved to set more, but it's a start. :) This is the FIRST time using my new Brinsea incubator.

Does everyone candle? I've decided I'm not going to bother, I really don't know what I'm looking for. ;)

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