Is broodiness catching? Please help!


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10 Years
Jun 12, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
I have two pullets that have gone broody. My Marans went first and after 3 weeks she stopped. Then my Ameraucana went broody soon after. Now my Marans is trying to sit on the nest again! I Don't have a rooster, and I don't want anymore chickens at this time. My question is why are they going broody like this?
I am trying to let my Ameraucana finish up and discourage my Marans from doing it at all this time. But this is so frustrating! Do they copy each other?
I have found that it is very common that when one goes broody, several others follow suit. You can put them in a wire bottom cage with no box and good light and a fan on their bottoms and it will bread them sooner.

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