Is chick crumb the same as growing pellets???


7 Years
Jul 26, 2012
Im confused ;/
If it is when do i stop giving them chick crumb and just the growing pellets?
Funny so many of us dont know when to change and what to give...seems like their would be some age listed to change that would posted on learning center by a long time chickener...or is there one?Better go look!
It gets called so many names, chick crumb, starter pellets, growing pellets, i hope it is all the same

otherwise i need to ask a few more questions LOL

When would you stop giving them chick crumb?
I use the Purina starter feed (dont remember what it says on the Label) -- it says to use on day olds through I think Layer stage so I go by that-- I dont have the bag handy but it says on the bag to use it through week 20 I think... I find this very convenient....
they are different in the protein percentage

in UK here Dodson and Horrel is like this

Chick Crumb = Protein 19% , Oil 3.5% , Fibre 4.0% , Ash 6.3 % , Vitamin A 12,000 iu/kg , Vitamin D 5,000 iu/kg , Vitamin E (as alpha tocopherol acetate) 80mg/kg
Growers Pellets = Protein 15.0%, Oil 3.0%, Fibre 4.0%, Ash 6.0%
Layers Pellets = Protein 16.0% , Oil 3.5% , Fibre 3.5%, Ash 12.5%
Layer Mash = Protein 16.0%, Oil 3.5%, Fibre 3.5%, Ash 12.5%

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