Is he an Easter Egger?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 30, 2011

This beautiful boy is a real sweetie and a lap chicken. Just wondering if anyone knew what breed he was. He was a Murray McMurray "rare" chick that is now 24 weeks old. I have been calling him an Easter Egger but some people have said he is a Hamburg or Ameraucana. I know people say true Ameraucanas aren't available from the hatcheries so just wanting to see what everyone thinks he is.
Your information was correct: you cannot get Ameraucanas from hatcheries yet. Hopefully someday hatcheries will label their stock correctly so as not to confuse people. You have yourself a very pretty EE boy :)
Thank you! That's what I thought. I have 3 Easter Egger girls laying blue eggs and wanted to hatch some chicks but wanted to know for sure before I hatched any :) He is the best free chicken I've ever had :)
My EE rooster is the dominant rooster in the flock. He's wonderful with the ladies and respectful of me. And as gorgeous as is yours. Mine is also a TALL rooster - very manly, but with a soft nature, especially with his favorite hen. They groom each other, dust bathe together, and he doesn't mind if she refuses his Wing Dance Advances. (He just finds a willing hen.. But loves her the most. She is always on the roost next to him at night.)

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