Is head lowering a mostly gander gesture?

Ok here he is today (best I could do he doesn't stay still! Lol) next to his bag of chick grit for comparison.

What an adorable baby.
Thanks! He's playing with the new toy I made him this morning lol, that was the only way I could get him to stay SOMEWHAT still for a photo! Lol He's just getting SO big SO fast....I have to be diligent taking photos every single day or I'm going to miss something! My poor phone is constantly telling me 'Low Memory" AHAHAHAHA!!
Thanks! He's playing with the new toy I made him this morning lol, that was the only way I could get him to stay SOMEWHAT still for a photo! Lol He's just getting SO big SO fast....I have to be diligent taking photos every single day or I'm going to miss something! My poor phone is constantly telling me 'Low Memory" AHAHAHAHA!!
Well tell it to get a life your making memories with your phone.
That is one cute gosling I sure miss mine being that small. now they are all about each other. But that's okay they let me into their lives too.
So I'm probably about right guessing him roughly 12 days old then huh?

Probably, and he probably is a male!

I'm still so mad you got a Pom for $5 or something ;) I can't even find anymore Poms. I have two females and need a male! No one sells them!!


This is Cherry! Her sister is younger and smaller.
It's funny that he was an "accident" lol. Maybe down the road I will get another and see about having some baby ones!

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