Is it a respitory infection?


8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Raymond, NH
I have a chicken that is sneezing and breathing loudly with rattling. She has no other symptoms, no discharge or lethargy she is eating and drinking and acting alright.
A couple of weeks ago I had another chicken come down with these symptoms and within a couple hours she was so bad we put her down. Upon opening her up I found a massive ovarian cyst and figured that was the cause of her sickness. Now I am not so sure.
Do I have a respiratory infection spreading through my flock? What should I do? Can I buy antibiotics over the counter for chickens and if so what should I be looking for?

I really appreciate any advice!
Thank you,

Also just a thought not sure if it has anything to do with this our egg amounts have declined quite a lot over the past month or so?
Thank you for the help/advice NovaAman. I picked some Tylan 200 last night, they don't sell needles and I didn't want to wait to order them online so I administered it orally. Fingers crossed!!

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