Is it bad to let hen continuously sit on a nest?


6 Years
Apr 3, 2013
Question - Is it unhealthy for a hen to sit on a nest continuously (one hatch and then another hatch)?
I have a 1st time momma hen who hatched 6 babys, 1 died due to her pecking it. So I took the rest of the babies and put them in a brooder becuase she was pecking them too. Now that was a week ago. when I took the last baby, I then moved her to another cage with other hens who were laying and one of the hens was starting to go broody so I left her eggs in the nest. Well the hen who hatched the babies has taken over the other hens nest and won't leave. So far I have let her alone, but I am worried she may not be eating enough and concentrating on brooding. I don't have an incubator and really want the hatchies, but not at the expense of my hen. Anyone know if it is unhealthy for a hen to sit this long?
Well, she is a determined broody! Although it is not great for her to be broody for so long, you can see if you take her off the nest at least twice a day if she will eat and drink and stretch her legs for a while. If she goes right back to the nest without barely eating then maybe you should consider breaking her broodiness.
Thank you...Update hen is off the nest, eating well and still a little broody but is roosting at night.

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