Is it common to get double yolks from pullets?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 18, 2010
Northern Rhode Island

I have hens that are 5 months old. Some have been laying for a couple of weeks. My daughter boiled eggs last night and noticed that a few were double yolked.
Is that common?

Also, we have a Dominique that seems to be laying 2 eggs at a time - probable?
My light cochin seems to want to stay on her eggs- isn't she too young to be broody?

Thank you all for the help!
A few of my girls laid double yolker those first two months or so of laying, but nary a one since...

Now I don't know about laying two eggs at once...I've read that it takes about 26 hours or so to produce an egg
Mine definitely do!

My youngest, Light Sussex, is still laying odd eggs. One of the littlest eggs I have ever seen had 2 yolks and a truly brittle/chalky shell!

She also laid 2 eggs in about 5 hours - I caught the first as I opened the pop hole, it dropped from her vent into my hand.

I spent the rest of the day making sure she was OK and found her in the nest box laying a second. It seems (according to our local vet expert) that sometimes in new layers their internal conveyor belts do not run at a constant speed and can take a while to settle down.

The Blue Ranger (Bluebell?!) is also laying odd eggs or no eggs at all. Only the Magpie is regular and I suspect she is 4-6 weeks older than we first thought. So I am remaining patient and trusting the vet - he really is a poultry expert, he also teaches organic/free range commercial poultry keeping courses at the college I work at so I have every reason to trust him!

Join me in making a concerted effort not to panic
Thank you all - Actually Dot, the Dominique, did lay huge eggs. Compared to her hen mates who are laying small sized eggs.

Right now we are having fun trying to guess what eggs belong to which hen as we have 8 different hens. We know the Dominique and Lt Cochin laid 2 egss each this am as they were the only 2 in the nest boxes and when checked there were 2 eggs in each box!

Again, thank you.

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