Is it marecks disease??

Marek's Disease is such an insidious infection. The "limp" with no injury, is the most commont first symptom--then wing droops on same side--then both legs and wings, going down and unable to manuver, and usually death. There is no pain, just a gradual paralysis. If they can reach food and water, they will continue to eat/drink. Paralysis of throat means starving or from lack of water. Poor birds have no idea what is wrong and can quietly, painlessly die.

Other "sudden death" from Marek's, may show tumors in the nervious tissue with necropsy, sometimes external tumors. There are lots of websites giving information. It is a worldwide long-lived virus. There is no treatment and no cure. Most birds die--just days, sometimes weeks. Your treatment is not a cure. Some recover (few) from symptoms and can walk, roost, breed, lay eggs, and appear "cured" , back to normal.....WARNING, they are forever carriers of the virus, which is spread by dander of the infected birds. So all birds are exposed in the pen/house/even by your dusty clothing. Marek's is not carried in the eggs, so eggs hatched from infected or "recovered" birds is not spread to those new chicks, but they are not immune. You can purchase chicks vaccinated against Marek's Disease from most Hatcheries (well worth the extra $.15, if for layers or breeding birds, not necessary for Fryers or short term cockerels.) Or, as I do, you can purchase the vaccine from Poultry supplier catalogs and do it yourself. But it must be done at "day old" and chicks should be quarantined for at least 2 weeks while developing immunity. Otherwise it "could" be assumed that they are already exposed. The vaccine is NOT made with the Marek's virus, so impossible to give the disease. It is from Turkey Herpes Virus, which stimulates an immunity to Marek's in chickens. If you raise Turkeys with your chickens, you are unlikely to ever experience Marek's Disease. (Some breeders obtain Turkey poop in sacks and distribute it in coop bedding, scatter in poultry runs, even some dried bits into the feeders. ) They have no Marek's outbreaks in their flocks. Immunity, like "people" vaccines may not be 100%. It is what we can do to protect our birds. Being a long lived virus, once you have experienced it, you will always have the risk. If you have never seen or exerienced Marek's, I hope it stays that way!! But if you have had it-take precautions and protect your birds. GOOD LUCK

Jean , that was very well put. It's nice to meet others who have their facts straight.

I've seen many people fail at treating true Marek's with Hypericum, and when their chicken dies, they think it's their fault and they must have not mixed it properly or given it properly.

There is no cure for Marek's. I have yet to see one person publish facts where a lab tested blood of a chicken with paralysis , and another blood test after Hypericum cured them.
I've seen many people fail at treating true Marek's with Hypericum, and when their chicken dies, they think it's their fault and they must have not mixed it properly or given it properly.

There is no cure for Marek's. I have yet to see one person publish facts where a lab tested blood of a chicken with paralysis , and another blood test after Hypericum cured them.

Really? That's funny, I have. Search on here some more. That's exactly what one person on here did, they had it confirmed Marek's, they treated with Hypericum, and when their hen died many years later, they had a necropsy done and there were no lesions, nothing. Hypericum is definitely worth trying, imo. . I can't find that thread (about the diagnosis) right offhand but it's on here. I have seen so many testimonials about it. Hard to believe that none of the birds treated with it had Marek's. Hypericum works for many neurological issues, and the OP had no idea what was wrong with her hen. So the stuff could well have worked for her, she just didn't have time to use it, and that is not her fault. Everyone tends to blame themselves for the loss of a bird, but that is natural. There's so much mystery involved in bird illnesses, that there should never be any blame. And once again..................everyone is entitled to their opinion. This site is NOT intended to be a competition to see who's right and who's wrong. What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa. Since no one on here is an absolute expert, it's simply a resource.
I don't think there's anything wrong with trying anything that someone suggested for the benefit of their chicken.
The thing I have a problem with is people running around saying that Hypericum is a Cure for Marek's. It's not a cure.

I don't understand what you are talking about this site being a competition to see who's right and wrong? It never crossed my mind that I was competing? Because I disagree with you? Because I stick to facts and not heresay or testimonials?

I've seen many people fail at treating true Marek's with Hypericum, and when their chicken dies, they think it's their fault and they must have not mixed it properly or given it properly. 

There is no cure for Marek's.  I have yet to see one person publish facts where a lab tested blood of a chicken with paralysis , and another blood test after Hypericum cured them.

Really?  That's funny, I have.  Search on here some more.  That's exactly what one person on here did, they had it confirmed Marek's, they treated with Hypericum, and when their hen died many years later, they had a necropsy done and there were no lesions, nothing.  Hypericum is definitely worth trying, imo. . I can't find that thread (about the diagnosis) right offhand but it's on here.  I have seen so many testimonials  about it.  Hard to believe that none of the birds treated with it had Marek's. Hypericum works for many neurological issues, and the OP had no idea what was wrong with her hen. So the stuff could well have worked for her, she just didn't have time to use it, and that is not her fault.  Everyone tends to blame themselves for the loss of a bird, but that is natural.   There's so much mystery involved in bird illnesses, that there should never be any blame. And once again..................everyone is entitled to their opinion.  This site is NOT intended to be a competition to see who's right and who's wrong.  What works for me may not work for you, and vice versa.  Since no one on here is an absolute expert, it's simply a resource. 

Questions regarding the one that cured their bird...

How exactly did they confirm it was Marek's?
Who did the necropsy?
What was the cause of death?
And what no one can tell me is what is the actual dose required? I don't mean take a pill, add water, give drops, I mean actual mg per kg amounts.

@chicknmania , I don't want to completely sidetrack the OP's thread, nor do I wish to argue and get it shut down, so I will only respond to this once. I understand what you are saying and respect that, given that there is no true cure for Marek's, folks will try a lot of different things to save their loved pets. I am no stranger to this myself, and have gone to great personal lengths to research Marek's in depth, perhaps more than any sane person should.
To this end, I agree that there might be something to Hypericum, but one really must understand the disease fully before making too many claims about it. If, IF, a chicken were to contract Marek's, and only develop neurological symptoms such as lesions on the sciatic nerve, it might be worth exploring Hypericum as it might help the nervous system in healing. If a bird is demonstrating paralysis from confirmed Marek's disease... why not try? There is a chance it might help in the healing process, and some birds do recover from this.
Some birds also recover from it with vitamin B supplementation.
Some birds also recover from it with no supplements at all.

There are, simply, too many variables in home studies and anecdotes to even come close to saying that Hypericum is a proven treatment for neurological Marek's. Did the bird have Marek's to start with, for sure? Only PCR blood testing can confirm. Was it a different disease, ailment, deficiency, injury? Did the Hypericum help, or did something else help, or did the bird simply recover on its own?

Even if it is shown that Hypericum does indeed help aid in the healing from neurological Marek's, it can never be called a cure! Marek's virus will be in the bird's system forever. It will continue to shed the virus. It may have a reoccurrence of symptoms. There is no cure for Marek's disease. There are things that can possibly help in the healing process but they do not remove, kill, or cure the disease. I encourage anyone that wants to try supplements to try them if they have a bird with Marek's, but to expect a cure from them is misleading. If the bird is suffering from visceral Marek's Lymphomas, there is little hope. Neurological, ocular, and cutaneous Marek's birds might recover or might not. It is worth trying to help these birds but again, there is no true cure.

Trust me, as someone with confirmed Marek's in my flock, I wish there were a cure.
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