Is it molting


10 Years
May 13, 2009
Portland NW
One of my Amerucana's has a bald spot near her tail feathers going up her back about 2 inches and about an inch wide. She seems healthy and the skin isn't red and I don't see mites or anything (the flock just got a big dose of garlic rice for mite control) so not sure if it is molting or I should I put the blue iodine stuff on it to at least keep the others from starting to peck her though the rooster keeps them in check for that but I digress...

Anyone have any advice what it could be or what I should do?

Thanks in advance!
Whoever's near by is his favorite... One rooster and 18 hens, not sure if he has time for a favorite!

Kidding aside though good point, no pun intended. I'll see if that might be it...

I was going to start a post about this exact thing........ I guess I know which one is Felix's favorite!!!

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