Is it normal for a rooster to peck a new hen? (introducing silkie to existing flock of 10)


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Hey! How are you all? :) I have a flock of 10 birds, now 13 after today.

The existing flock was
1x barred rock rooster
5x ISA brown hens (like an Aussie version of a Red Star i guess)
1x white sussex hen (whoppa)
3x 8week old chicks.

It's been a while since we've had all these chooks, but this week they've finally all been roosting together. It only took about 2 months before it happened, but it's happening now :D even the 3 chicks are too! (which we still dont entirely know the sexes of yet)

Anyway, I decided that I wanted to get some silkies so that they can raise some of their own baby chicks without me having to incubate and all. I found out they were $40 bucks each, and so I only took one, cause I also wanted to get my mum 2 guinea fowl as well. $80 bucks for all that. Now I know I should have bought another silkie so that they can be friends and all, but eh. I thought one would be okay.

I've had the little seperate cage set up for ages for when this has to happen, the "quarantine" cage so that they can see each other but not attack. I put the guinea fowl birds in there straight away because I knew that they have to be locked up for a fair while before they know where "home" is. I decided to test the waters and put the silkie straight in the coop with the other hens.

Of course, the rooster came over and did the whole dance thing next to it, and then some of the other hens came up and wildly pecked it. I scooped up the silkie and put it in the cage with the two guineas for about half an hour, took her out and put her back in. The rooster came over and danced again, and then tried pecking at her too! I let them go for a bit just to see if it would be much of a struggle, and let her go through. These other ISA Browns were going crazy when she went near them, so I decided to lock her back in the cage.

I'm thinking maybe, tomorrow I should go back to the shop and buy another silkie hen to put with it, so that they could be friends I guess. Would they get along if I put them both in the isolation cage (considering they are friendly animals)? How long should I leave them in there for before I move them with the other flock? (ive heard taking a few other hens out of the mix for a few days helps as it upsets the pecking order, and they can fit in better or something?)

I have no idea how old it is, but it is about three quarters of the size of the other chooks. I will post a photo of it tomorrow.

EDIT: Also, once they fit in, how long before they would go broody? Thanks :)

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Go get her a silkie friend, put them in pen together, in a place where the other chickens and roo can see them. After a couple of weeks, try letting them out in the yard together, or wait until dark and put the girls in the coop with everyone else.
Ok I took your advice and went to the place and got another silkie hen :) another $40 bucks. Then they were selling silkie ROOSTERS for $5. Wow! I bought one of them too. Te rooster is a lot younger than the other hens though.

I'm thinking I'll put the three silkies in the chicken tractor we're building (so they're separate from the other flock) and they can all live together seperately, happily ever after. When this rooster grows up, is he likely to be aggressive? I read somewhere silkie roosters an be a bit rough with the hens. I only bought him so I could try and hatch some pure-breed silkies.

And how long before they go broody? I forgot to ask the dude how old they were. It is the start of winter here in Australia, will that make a difference?
I've never had silkies, but I was under the impression they are not normally aggressive, of course there's always an exception. - I think any young roo is going to be hard on the hens. If you only have 2, get "saddles" for them, to protect their backs. - Or separate them during the week and give "conjugal visits" on the weekends!

I had to take my boys and make a "bachelor pad" for them. The girls were looking pretty rough and I shouldn't have let it get that way. I'm just glad I caught it when I did. Now, I let them out in rotations. The girls are out for a few hours and then the boys are out for a few hours. When the girls recover a little, I'll let them visit on weekends!

I just had 2 broodies hatch a clutch this weekend (7 little fuzzy butts
) I brought these girls home late last October, they are 1 year old this month. This is their first brood. - Don't know if most hens operate the same, but I think the onset of warm weather helps encourage broodiness. Your silkies may be too young for now...
First off, what 'shop' are you buying them? Pet shop?
My foolproof method to introduce a few birds is to place them Ina cage IN THE COOP WHERE THEY CAN BE SEEN at night. When the other birds wake up, they won't care as much about the new bird. ( they may still be a little rough with her) but you have to know. Being pecked is part of the PECKING order. Don't be disappointed if your he doesn't go broody for amfew weeks though.
Good luck!:D
I would've done the same thing you did. I had a pair of RIR in my flock once that picked on a small injured bird and practically pecked it to death. It was injured, but I didn't think they'd do that.
It's all good now! My dad helped me build a chicken tractor and I just rehomed the silkies from their little area inside their coop to the tractor. They seem to be so bored. But oh well, it's better than getting pecked I suppose.

I intend to breed some silkies, cause they are so flippin' expensive, and sell them on. Should be fun. Haha :)

Thanks for the help anyway!! :)
My silkie rooster isn't aggressive at all. He'll come running over and give me a look if I pick up a hen or chick and they squawk but once he sees they're ok he settles down. He sits in my lap and loves petting even w/o treats. He great at watching over the hens and really takes care of the babies.

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