Is it normal for chicks to have green poo??


May 22, 2021
hello, thank you for taking the time to answer and read this question. I have 3 polish chicks. They are 2 months old I noticed that their poo was a dark green today. I’m not sure if it’s normal or not and I was wondering if anyone has any advice or tips if this is normal or not? I’ve never seen their poo this color. Their poop is always brown with a bit of white at the top. Does green poo mean their healthy or what does it mean? Is it normal?? Should I be worried about it?
hello everyone, does anyone know what it means when a chicks poo is liquidity white and super runny? Is it normal and should I do something about it? Any advice? They are 2 months old almost 3 and their polish chickens.

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