Is it normal for so many eggs to be clear??


9 Years
Mar 17, 2010
Pickens, SC
I candled all my eggs yesterday (day 9). I have 31 eggs from 2 diff breeders and out of the 31, 14 were clear showing no signs of development. Is this typical? I was just wondering (These are not shipped eggs btw)
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oh no! Are yours shipped eggs? I was thinking since mine were from local breeders I'd have better luck. I shouldve mentioned that most of those 14 are from the same place. 10 out of 16 from one breeder are clear and 4 out of 15 from the other.
oh no! Are yours shipped eggs? I was thinking since mine were from local breeders I'd have better luck. I shouldve mentioned that most of those 14 are from the same place. 10 out of 16 from one breeder are clear and 4 out of 15 from the other.

Mine are from a semi local breeder as well. I drove 45 mins to pick up these eggs. I find it hard to believe it could be user error because my life has come to a hault since owning the LG still air and I watch it constantly. I mean I am here within 20 mins if there is a spike of a drop in temps. I have made it my new life goal to watch over these eggs. It may all be for nothing. I am going to candle again in 3 days on day 7. I will hold on to a bit of hope until then. Here is what my eggs look like....
my first time hatching....I thought mine were clear when I first day 13 I could see the chicks give it some time....I blamed it on it being my first time to candle....good luck!
Mine were on day 9 & there was such an obvious difference between the ones with development and the clear ones
I'm hoping I'm wrong..
Sorry, don't know why I thought it was day 5. I would risk one and open it and see if there was ANY development at all OR if there is a bullseye indicating fertility.

If it isn't fertile, you can probably assume there is an issue and contact the person you got the eggs from.

Sorry. What kind of eggs are you incubating?

Sorry, don't know why I thought it was day 5. I would risk one and open it and see if there was ANY development at all OR if there is a bullseye indicating fertility.

If it isn't fertile, you can probably assume there is an issue and contact the person you got the eggs from.

Sorry. What kind of eggs are you incubating?


artathart was at day 5..that's where there was confusion
I may crack one open in a few days to see. I have 16 B/B/S Orpingtons ( 10 out of 16 clear) 7 BLRW (4 clear) and 8 blue copper marans ( very hard to tell but I think they all looked ok).

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