is it okay for recently hatched ducklings to slash around in water?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Holden Massachusetts
I got ducklings today, and they were shipped to my place, the owners stated that they are 3 days old. i put out food and water for them and they like to go in and splash around even though there is barely any space for them to do so. is this okay for them to be in shallow water this young? they seem to enjoy it but i am not sure if they should do that due to the lack of oils they have
It's perfectly natural :) nothing to worry about but if they were shipped be careful they don't eat or drink to fast they can get bloated or even flip their stomach for the first week or two give them food and water twice every one or two hour(s). Also if they have finished the water and/or food wait 10 to 15 minutes before giving them some more and all should be good :)
I got ducklings today, and they were shipped to my place, the owners stated that they are 3 days old. i put out food and water for them and they like to go in and splash around even though there is barely any space for them to do so. is this okay for them to be in shallow water this young? they seem to enjoy it but i am not sure if they should do that due to the lack of oils they have
Be sure your temps in brooder are around 80-85 so they can stay warm while drying.

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We had a little black runner with some constipation issues. We put her in 100-105 degree water a couple times / day starting on day 5 (we received her in the mail on day 4).

Initially we only gave her about 10 minutes a couple times / day. But when water started beading on her fuzz instead of matting it down, we started giving her more time. She seemed to like it a lot. We even gave her the option the first couple days to stand in front of a blow dryer on low (she could regulate the distance). This didn't seem to spook her at all and she actually seemed to like it too.

Now she is big enough to go outside and is ALWAYS the first in the pool

So don't let them get cold / waterlogged. Supervise them and go for it!

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