is it okay to feed dual purpose birds layer feed?


5 Years
Mar 4, 2014
I have 10 hens and a rooster. the farmer told me they were black sussex crossed with red leghorns.

they look EXACTLY like this :

I have 4 black ones like that and then 6 that have the colors swapped from this one. so they are mostly red and have black on the throat.

Anyways he said they crossed them to be dual purpose birds. the black ones i notice are a bit bigger than the reds also.

my question is, is it okay to feed them all layer feed? I bought a 50 pound bag for $15.20. (CAN)

Also, how much should I feed them. The first two days I let them have as much food as they want but now it seems like that 50 pound bag is going to be gone real fast! I've gotten 8 eggs each day too.

Thanks in advance for any answers :)
Layer feed is for any bird that is actively laying eggs; whether they be layers, DP or meat breeds. They need the calcium to make egg shells.

Where the problem lies is feeding layer feed to birds that aren't actively laying.

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