Is it Possible for a hen to lay more than 1 egg per day? SUPERHEN ;)


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 26, 2010
I have 6 hens that are just reaching maturity as they hatched in the summer. 2 of the hens started laying a month ago. 1 small egg each, every day. I can easily ID their eggs from my mature hens as 1 little girl is an Aracana with a little green egg, and the other little girl is a Leghorn with a little White egg.
The Leghorn egg is small, although sometimes it is bigger than expected and even once was a double yolker! Wow--impressive for such a young hen!
The other 4 hens are siblings from a later batch, all black bantams whos mothers lay average size brown eggs.
Last week these 4 also began to lay and I'm finding 3 or 4 little brown eggs added to the batch every day.....
Now recently we had an anomaly, when I found 2 white eggs in one day. I figured it was a fluke and my leghorn layed one early in the morning and one later in the afternoon, but today and yesterday it happened again! 2 white eggs in one day!
I know which eggs are my matured hens and none of them lay white eggs. My Leghorn should be the only girl in the flock with a white egg...
I presume they are not from my 4 recently matured black-bantams as I would assume their eggs would all be light brown like their mothers?
Is it possible that my little leghorn is a super-producer??
Has anyone ever known a chicken to lay more than one egg a day?
We recently got two hens (between 9mon- a year) One is a cornish and the other an EE. The EE lays olive eggs and the cornish light brown. I read that cornish do not produce well. She did not read that. She lays every day. She missed on day early on, but last week she laid two in one day. One in the morning and one around 5 pm. Still had an egg waiting for me at 8am the next morning.

The last two days we had real cold weather and my EE did not lay yesterday, but the cornish still did.

One of my friends said she knows she is a meat bird, so she is laying to impress me so I wont eat here lol.

She is also a cheerleader. When my EE is laying, the cornish clucks and sings the egg song and goes and "checks" on her. She loudly clucks until the EE has laid and then she stops. LOL

Here is Gertrude, my super chicken!

I have Dark Cornish and yes they can lay 2 eggs a day. Does she have a personality?... A very under-rated type of bird a DC and they lay very well. Once you own one you will always have them, they are my favorite.
When we got her we were more clueless than we are now. Which is a good thing. I would have not got one.

She is not as friendly as the EE. She is more skiddish around people, but we got her so old. Though when she is laying she is not scared. I have gone in and opened the nest box lid and she just looks up at you like you walked in on her in the bathroom. One time, I was rather tired and not fully awake and I said "oh sorry", it was kind of funny.

If the EE is on the nest when I open it, she runs off, the cornish just gives you an annoying look lol.
2 weeks ago we got 6 eggs from 5 hens, so it is possible. That is the only time it has ever happened though. congrats

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