Is it possible to give them too much treats?


10 Years
Sep 28, 2010
I'm loving giving everything to the chickens. When I go out to eat with a friend, they think I'm totally wacko (wait, I think they thought that before I had chickens) because I ask for their leftover rice, lettuce garnish, pizza crusts, beans, french fries, etc., to take home to the chickies. I even pulverized an entire watermelon rind to give to them. Not sure if I'll try that experience again, but it sure is nice knowing that potential food isn't going to waste!

Besides saving money on food, I love that it's that much less food that's going to a big dump somewhere.

But... is it possible to give them too much? They get to free range in my backyard for several hours a day, so they get plenty of bugs and grains and grasses and even the occasional snake (eek! never saw a snake in my yard before the chickens ate them!).

They won't get sick or something from not enough chicken chow?
No they wont get sick from not enough feed but they really need that protein. Table scraps and fruits and veggies enhance the diet but should never take the place of the feed. A well balanced ration has everything they need to grow healthy. I love giving mine treats but just do it with the mindset that it is a treat and should be given in moderation.

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