Is it possible to have a hen that just will never lay?

We have an Easter Egger hen who just started laying eggs after nothing for TWO YEARS. We got her as an adult (they said she was about a year old), but never got an egg from her. We presumed the equipment was just broken and let her be a freeloader. Three days ago she started laying nice, large blue-green eggs. I was floored, never thought it could happen. Can’t help but think she was a little surprised too!
Some hens can be really late bloomers. I had my first late bloomer this year. She hatched in early April and I just started getting eggs from her last week. I did have an extenuating circumstance -- we had a predator attack in late December that extremely distressed her and put her in a deep, deep funk for a couple of weeks. I assumed that may have been part of the reason she was such a later layer. But, she could have just been waiting until the days got longer, too. Each hen is different.

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