Is it possible to tell purebred from mixed chicks?


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2015
I may be completely wishful thinking here but for my first incubator experiment I have 24 eggs, the flock they came from was all Buff Orpington & Black Australorp purebred hens & roosters is there any chance to tell pure breed birds at any age? Sorry for the silly questions I'm new to this.
If they were all together then chances are they may be mixed. That will take growing them a while to tell for sure. You should be able to tell sometime as chicks, but sometimes it takes a few months.
Say you have an equal amount of each, then it may be a 50/50 chance of mixed breeds.
Some roosters are aggressive and claim all the hens. As for telling, the buff's will be about 99-100% buffs if pure. The best way is to watch them grow out. The buffs should be buffs, and the blacks, black. You should be able to tell a mixed chicks almost at day old, but then again, sometimes it takes a few months.
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