Is it stupid to buy an incubator? I have old Cabinets?


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
We have a garage full of old cabinets, and I am SURE I can get one away from my DH... Tell me, if I have never incubated befreo, is it silly to try to build one myself? I don't want o spend a fortune, so would making it instead of buying one be a better option?

DOes anyone have a good cabinet bator instruction?

If anyone has a used one I would be willing to buy.. Looking on ebay.. not finding much!!!

I've got an itch
I really don't think that it would be too hard to build one really. I bought one and it doesn't really look too hard, my Dh could have built it. Search around the site, somebody did build one out of a cabinet lately, I will look for the thread.
MissPrissy made a really nice looking styro-bator, Ive also seen where you can make a turner with baskets for a reasonable price. As far as a cabinet bator sorry I dont know much about those.
Go for it!

The prices on incubators are awful, IMHO.... If I were going to lay out that kind of money, I would at least expect it to maintain temp/humidity without a hitch, and that does not seem to be the case -- if you have to fiddle anyway, why not start from scratch.... people incubate in their oven, and now, their bra!
One of these days when I have some vacation built up I will have to try that....... My hubby things I nutts now


Just wait
If I still had a roo, I would have when i read about her experiment.... and will, when my 5 week olds get a bit older....

My family already knows I am nuts, and that was before the chickens....

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