IS It Time to take matter into my own hands???


7 Years
May 12, 2012
Okay I have a a chick that has tried to come out. So far there is just a small hole. He has been peeping and sticking his beak through. But now there is no movement. This is my first hatch and I want to keep the little guy alive.
Well He pipped around 9:00 last night. Now he just has a little hole. None of the others have progress. I think he may be shrink wrapped. As I had to open the incubator earlier. I feel so Stupid
Don't feel stupid. I'm in the same boat. I had a guinea trying very hard to break out last night, now nothing. I think I waited too long.
From what I've read, it can take 24-36 hours or so from pip to hatch sometimes. Helping can do more harm than good, so I'd give it time to do this on it's own. The "shrink wrap" horror stories on the forum seems to have a lot of us scared to be patient with these little guys. I'd err on the side of waiting a bit longer.
Yeah I wasn't accutaly talking about pulling him out of the shell. Just wanted to make that clear. I was going to help him out tomorrow if he nedded it. He is now starting to zip.
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