Is it to early to guess a gender?



Knowing my luck it is, but oh well at least I can show off my baby's :D
They were all born on the 17th and 18th, there only a week old.

I have a Buff Orphington, golden laced wyandotte cross: (For the record, show a baby chick a diamond and it will do anything you want it to, including stay still!)

I have a Naked neck:

My little Black Australorp :D

A Rode island red

And then my little Stink eye! The Silkie (Yes I know you cant tell gender on the silkie but the picture was way to cute not to post!)
I don't have chickens but I think it's too early to tell. They're Adorable though
Thats what i thought, but hey you cant blame me for trying :D
Or for wanting to show them off
hi , I was told a old farmer trick was this : flop a chick on its back if it just lays there it is a hen ..if it will not let you do that it is a rooster ...Deborah

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