Is it too cold for fully feathered chickens?


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2015
East Berlin, Pennsylvania
I have five, seven-week old Golden Comets. They haven't had a heat lamp on in their brooder in two weeks, because the brooder is in my dining room. Their coop is built and ready for them, and it's been above freezing at nights for over a week now. I've been putting them outside whenever it isn't raining for the last two weeks during the day in a run, but bringing them in the house at night because they weren't QUITE feathered. Now, they're feathered, fat, and WAY too big for the brooder. It's in the upper 40s today, supposed to get into the low 40s overnight, then mid 60s the rest of the week with lows in the upper 40s. Is it ok to transition them outside full time now, particularly since their coop isn't overly large? I really need these ladies out of my house (they make so much mess now that they're so big) but I don't want to risk losing them, because we're really attached to our ladies at this point. They're outside today even though it's cloudy and drizzly, and they've been in and out of the coop all day, pecking and scratching in the run, then hanging out in the coop for a bit. They're not huddling together like they did when they were really small, so I THINK they'll be fine, but it's my first flock.

Put a thermometer in the coop. Usually the coop will be 10* warmer inside than temp outside. If it is in the 50* range inside at night, the birds will be fine!
I live in Ohio and my 8 week old chicks have been in the coop for two weeks (It was much colder two weeks ago, as I am sure you are aware).

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