Is it true chickens are not supposed to eat tomatoes?


5 Years
Jul 7, 2014
Is it true chickens are not supposed to eat tomatoes? Someone told me this and they said if they do they will stop laying for the rest of their lives. Is this true?
I read about this the other day but I give mine the tomatoes in our garden and the plants when they are done making.... They are all fine but I would be cautious now lol...... they say that the leaves are poisonous........
Yes the tomatoes themselves are fine, but the leaves contain a chemical, solanine, that can harm the chickens. Like practically everything else "bad" for chickens, dosage if important. One bite won't kill them. They'd have to eat a certain amount before any damage would be done, and the solanine is bitter. The leaves don't taste good so the chickens usually won't eat very many leaves to start with.

Chickens are living animals so absolutes don't apply. While most chickens won't eat enough of the leaves to cause a problem, it is always possible you have a weird chicken that will. So it is best to not feed them tomato, potato, pepper, or eggplant leaves. They are all in the same family and all the leaves contain solanine. The fruit is fine, however, if they will eat it. Mine really love ripe tomatoes and ripe peppers.
I lost my beautiful Light Sussex cockerel to tomato plants.He got into the polytunnel, as did two of my hens. the hens were sick for a couple of days....lethargic, not eating, very loose poops and neither laid an egg for a couple of weeks afterwards but they recovered. My poor boy was dead within 24 hours.
I lost my beautiful Light Sussex cockerel to tomato plants.He got into the polytunnel, as did two of my hens. the hens were sick for a couple of days....lethargic, not eating, very loose poops and neither laid an egg for a couple of weeks afterwards but they recovered. My poor boy was dead within 24 hours.
Awww! I'm so sorry to hear that!!!

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