Is it wrong to be a bit sad?...took them to the processor today....

Thanks, chickending
Now I can say that the "meat bird regret" is all over. I roasted my first two this weekend. "Beer can" style and I have to say this is the best chicken ever. I will never buy a store bought chicken again. It was tender,juicy and had wonderful flavor. I had forgotten how good home grown chicken tastes.

I not saying I may not have regret again but it so worthwhile......
I haven't tried it the beer-butt way yet, but I agree that homegrown chickens are far superior to anything found in the supermarket. For me, the same is true of fresh homegrown potatoes. I start looking at the potatoes in the supermarket, and they all seem squishy in comparison. Perhaps I could add tomatoes to that list as well. Then we order half-a-hog from a friend, and that's the best pork/ham/bacon we've ever had. We're just starting to break-out of the supermarket mentality, but in the last couple of years, our food has never tasted better.
I find it very very very hard to part with my potatos. I sold 15 pounds last week at $2 per pound at our farm market. I felt dirty and violated. I think I will just hoard the rest for myself and root cellar.

And great job on processing your own food. In even the most small ways in which we become self sufficient, it's a step towards personal pride and esteem.
HAHAHAHAHA! That's so funny, but kinda true. And I'd better get over it, or else buy a commercial freezer for all the broilers I'll have come fall! I've been giving a way a few eggs to friends, drug dealer style, so that when my layers get really going, I'll have a few terminally addicted egg buyers! Talk about a low life!!
I thought I was just being too soft hearted, I have to cull my flock as I fell into the situation of having too many roo's, the last couple of weekends I have considered doing myself but I instead I'm going to see if I can find a processor to do it for me, I don't want them to suffer including the reason that i have never done such.

Yes I know that the hens will be much happier with out the constant "jumping, I raised my boys from week old chicks and regardless my rule for not giving them names, I don't think I can do it myself.

On the more lighter side of things, my 5 year son is taking it much better in some aspect than I am, he keeps asking when we are going to fix the roosters to eat however on the other side he refuses to eat the fresh eggs because he knows that's were baby chicks come from; he actually got mad at me for taking the eggs out of the nesting boxes!
Eboydog, your son is really thinking stuff through. Maybe you could set aside a small section of hens without roosters and explain that these eggs can't ever become chicks, so they are okay to eat? I think that is so neat he understands stuff like that at 5 years old! Just an idea.

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