Is Medicated Started Chick Feed The Problem?


7 Years
Jul 9, 2012
Joliet, IL
Soo I've Been Seeing Lately BYC Members Posting About There Baby Chicks Dying On There First Days! Well I'm Supposed To Receive Some Silkie Next Week And I'm Scared What If They Die?! People Say It's Because Of The Medicated Chick Feed Is This True? cause I Bought A Bag Of "Purina Medicated Chick Feed" Two Weeks Ago. And Now I'm Scared! Also The Store I bought It at Said It Was The Best Feed For Silkies, I Am Very Scared! I Also Wanted To Know If Chick Feed Ever Expired? If It Does Where Can I Find The Expiration Date?

Thanks :) .
I don't know if it expires or not... probably, but I've never had it around long enough to find out. Medicated is all I've fed to mine, and never had a problem. My guess is there is something else going on with the chicks that are dying.
I lost 3 of my newbies BEFORE starting them on medicated feed, since I started the medicated feed I've not lost one. I will from now on feed at least one bag of medicated to my newbies to carry them over until they get a little bigger and stronger and able to fend things off on their own immunity.
I've never had a problem with the medicated chick feed. I did have a problem once when my mom gave some of my babies some cornmeal. It was what they always did when I was a kid (my granddaddy was a farmer and my dad and a lot of my uncles kept chickens as well), the old timers would mix cornmeal with a boiled egg, but I am thinking there must be some additive to the cornmeal that wasn't there 30 or 40 years ago that doesn't sit well with little chicks now. I can't say for sure that it was the cornmeal, but it sure was coincidental if it wasn't.

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