Is my 8 week-old bantam sick or ...?


5 Years
Oct 20, 2014
Portland, OR
I have a bantam Orpington that has been acting listless the past few days.

It's been eating and drinking fine, but it is not as active as the other chicks. Instead, it stands at the edge of the coop in a fluffed-up position and makes a constant trilling noise. Eyes are often closed.

I'm concerned, because I just recently took them off of medicated chick starter, as I typically do around 6 to 8 weeks. Should I put them back on it?

Water is supplemented with apple cider vinegar and electrolyte powder.

I have an antibacterial solution called 'Sulmet' in my chicken kit in case I need it.

Here's a video of the behavior:

Should I be concerned, or am I just being silly?
I would go get some Corid (amprollium) from your feed store to treat for possible coccidiosis. She has the classic "puffed up" pose that chicks with cocci get. Other symptoms which may happen later are lethargy, not eating or drinking, diarrhea or blood in droppings, and ruffled feathers. Sulmet will treat the 2 worst strains of cocci, but it can be hard on the kidneys, and Corid on the other hand will treat all 11 strains of cocci in chickens. If you can't get the Corid, then by all means start the chick on it right away. Dosage is 1 ounce (2 tablespoonsful) of Sulmet per gallon of water (mix new daily) for 2 days, then use 1/2 ounce or 1 TB per gallon for 4 additional day. Corid dosage is 2 tsp. of the liquid Corid or 1.5 tsp. of the powder Corid per gallon of water, and treat all chicks for 5-7 days.
I would go get some Corid (amprollium) from your feed store to treat for possible coccidiosis. She has the classic "puffed up" pose that chicks with cocci get. Other symptoms which may happen later are lethargy, not eating or drinking, diarrhea or blood in droppings, and ruffled feathers. Sulmet will treat the 2 worst strains of cocci, but it can be hard on the kidneys, and Corid on the other hand will treat all 11 strains of cocci in chickens. If you can't get the Corid, then by all means start the chick on it right away. Dosage is 1 ounce (2 tablespoonsful) of Sulmet per gallon of water (mix new daily) for 2 days, then use 1/2 ounce or 1 TB per gallon for 4 additional day. Corid dosage is 2 tsp. of the liquid Corid or 1.5 tsp. of the powder Corid per gallon of water, and treat all chicks for 5-7 days.

Okay, I'm going to pick up some Corid on my way home from work and start her on it ASAP. I didn't know Sulmet was hard on the kidneys, so thanks for the tip. I don't have any interest in keeping it around now... All I keep is poultry, and I noticed you can use the Sulmet on other livestock, so I'll probably just give it away.

That trilling sound she makes... is that a distress signal?

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