Is My Broody Hen Causing The Other Hens To Stop Laying?


Will Barter For Coffee
12 Years
May 6, 2007
Columbia Gorge, OR
I have one broody hen sitting on a 15-egg clutch. I doubt they will all hatch because she can barely cover them all with her body.
Since this hen went broody, about 10 days ago, we have not found any more eggs. There are no new eggs being added to the clutch and there are none to gather. Have the other hens stopped laying because of the broody?
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I have a broody that is pretty aggressive toward the other hens if they get too close. They have all been staying as far away from the nestboxes as possible. I found a spot in the goat barn where they have been laying. Maybe they are laying in a new area? I hope you figure it out soon.
That is exactly what I was gonna say. My hens have been laying in the doghouse we use for the straw and shavings, etc!!
I have a steady stream of broodies and the only decrease I've ever noticed was the broody herself stopped laying, but that was expected. I would either say they're adding to her nest or laying elsewhere - but you've checked that - so it's a mystery!
Hi there!

Have you checked under your broody. She may have more than the 15 eggs you think she has!!!!! This has happened to me in the past. Broody hens will steal any eggs they see. That's why I separate the broody from the others after 2-3 days. In fact that is what I have to do tomorrow as my Dorking, "Julia" went broody 2 days ago!
She is young & I wasn't sure she would stick with it as this is her 1st time!

Of course they might be laying elsewhere, especially if she is aggresive towards the other hens. Is yours getting off the nest every day to eat & poo? It is a good idea to only feed her mixed corn & water while she is on the eggs, that way the eggs will stay cleaner.

Good Luck!

I agree with Hattie, check under the broody and make sure she only has 15 eggs. My hens always seem to look for the ones that are brooding, just so they can lay their eggs in with the others! I have to check my broodies every day, or I would never get any eggs!
Well, we still haven't found any more. There are less eggs under there now, actually, as she kicked some out of the nest. She is not crabby or aggressive, and she does share the broody time with another hen, while she goes and gets a bite to eat, etc. I have no idea where the other eggs are.


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