Is my chicken depressed?


Jan 13, 2016
Gold Coast Hinterland
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and I'm in need of some help

We recently bought 2 ex battery hens they have a wonderful little loft hut space around the the house a front yard paddocks to roam during the day and are also allowed to walk through the downstairs of the house...
But recently one of my beloved little chickens is acting strange she doesn't want to go in her hut and keeps trying to sleep inside or the outside bathroom... She just sits in corners looking all sad, its on been a couple of days but I'm scared she might be depressed...
Could it be that I need at least 3? Are my 2 chickens not getting along? Is she brooding? Or could it be something else??
Please help
You mentioned she has lice. Have you gotten rid of them yet. May be that there's mites or something coming out at night and she don't want to be near them . Have you cleaned the coop good?
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! Ex battery girls have a very tough life and the change in their life's can take them some time to get used to. It's a lot for them to take in all at once. How long have you had them? Do you think she could be looking for somewhere to lay? Have you checked to make sure there is no egg stuck? What are her eating and drinking habits? As they are free range do you think they are getting enough to eat and drink? Have you wormed them at all? Have you checked for mites and lice? What is her poop like? Sorry for all the questions but it helps to get a bigger picture of them.

You could also drop by the emergencies Injurues disease section, here is the link ~

Good luck with her and enjoy BYC :frow
Thank you so much for your reply! We have had them for around 3 months... I noticed they had lice recently and so have been treating them, she does still have them but I am onto it.
The pellets they have at the moment they don't seem to like as much as other feed I have had for them before, should I change back promptly?
One of them seems to have a little bit of runny poos I have been unsure which one but I will keep an eye out, what does this mean?
BH seems to lay everywhere and often, usually in her coop and sometimes in a nest she has made behind a door in the garden, I did find them and removed them, a friend told me I should mark one and leave it there for her is this true?
I have not wormed them yet but will do so today, is this a common problem? BH has also had a egg stuck before but have not noticed another, I will check that right away!
They have water bowls out the back and the front but will be sure to put one out the side perhaps?
Thank you for your help and I look forward to a reply
Runny poos can indicate Coccidiosis. That is easily treated with Amprolium or Corid in their water. It can make them lethargic and go off their feed. If they don't like their feed, maybe wetting some, or even fermenting it will make it more palatable, especially if their beaks were debeaked. Or go ahead and switch back to what they like. Definitely check for a stuck egg. Worms are very common in chickens. An overload can cause them problems. Valbazen or Safeguard are some of the better wormers you can use. Hope this helps.

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