Is my chicken dying or just sick??


In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2015
my rooster is about 6 weeks old and is wheezing, spitting up drool and will lay there on his back we thought he was dead and covered him with a small towel but then we heard him chirping and now i am holding him in a towel but he is not doing well. He sometimes freaks out and tries to flap around and twitches. But I have no idea what happened. All our other birds seem fine. Help!!!
I am so sorry to hear that.

It sounds like he is dying, probably from a disease causing paralysis. Try to get some vitamins into him and keep him warm and calm. Hopefully he will make a turn-around and get better soon.

Best of luck!
The farm store told me it was gape worm so we gave all our chickens the medicine for gapeworm. It was difficult because it was a large pill so we had to mix with water and food to get them to eat it. The rest of the flock is okay right now but the two rhode island reds weren't doing too well. The rooster that was dying seems to be okay now, but he really spooked us because we thought he was dead a few times. Hopefully the medicine works. We think it came from the slugs outside. I am just worried now because we let them free range and we don't always have control over what they eat. Also, the little rooster who was dying has a red swollen bump like thing under his tongue that looks painful. I feel so bad for him. Not sure what that is.Thank you! Any advice is appreciated

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