is my chicken evil? please help


8 Years
Jul 27, 2011
i keep a flock of 5 hens. a few months ago i introduced 2 of them and the normal initiation pecks and shunning only lasted about 5 days... accept for 1 of them. she has been terrorizing these 2 for months. when she gets near them they run away, is this normal? luckily she allows them to sleep in the coop but man is she ever a bi#@%

thanks for any advice, id like to keep a happy flock so if i need to remove the mean one i will
She's the dominate hen, and is proving her authority. This is normal, you could try to hang treats to keep them distracted, she will probably continue to do this, and be mean to them, I have chicks of all ages, and it seems like a I a lot of separate flocks in the same pen, they segregate themselves according to age, and ranking in the pecking order.

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