Is my Easter Egger a male or female?


In the Brooder
Aug 23, 2015
I just got chickens yesterday! I'm super new at this. I don't know anything, yet. Please help me know if this 3 month old olive Easter egged is a hen or rooster? The man I bought her from said it was a hen but she is more aggressive then the other 3 month old (barred rock). Tonight she got on the back of the other 3 month old and helded her down and started pecking the back of her neck. Please help!


That's not good! I don't need a rooster. What makes you think that? Any idea of the bread?
That's not good! I don't need a rooster. What makes you think that? Any idea of the bread?
Along the lines of an Ameracauna, Easter Egger, or an Olive Egger. It all depends on what color egg they lay. Ameracauna's can only lay blue eggs, Easter egger's lay green, pink and blue and Olive Egger's Olive colored eggs.

Since this bird is only 3 months I would keep the bird for another month or so to see if those sickle feather's grow in. It could just be a mean pullet.
I'm also leaning toward cockerel, just by the amount of uneven reddish patches. I tried to enlarge the photos to see if anything else jumped out at me. But at this point it does look like you'll have to wait a little longer to know for sure, as Twistedfeather suggested.
Ok thank you. I might ask the man who I bought her from if I can swap it for a hen. I hope he wouldn't be affended.
Colors jump cockerel to me, however, everything else says pullet. Because the colors are gold, not red, and not located on the shoulders or saddles, I believe this is a pullet.

Looks to have recent AmerauacanS blood. So she is probably and F1 Olive egger.
You've got a couple of different thoughts here - hence the reason it's always best to wait until you're absolutely sure before you make a final decision. Would be a shame to lose a beautiful bird and have it turn out to be what you wanted in the first place.

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