Is my egg hatching???!!!!

birdsofthefarm wrote:takes 28 days to incubate

Only takes 21 days for chicken eggs....

As for for the hatching chicks, good luck! Hopefully it ends well!​
Oh I'm sorry no progress but that's cool you felt movement!
Usually the chick takes a break once it pips through the shell. Hopefully your chick is just taking a break.

You'll have to update us on what happens. Again I say good luck!!!!!
Thanks you all, I hope it ends well too. The cracked egg I've been speaking of has now cracked all the way from the wide end and connected to a crack on the small end, lengthwise. This probably isn't good. I forgot to take a pic today so I'll take one tomorow then. Stay tuned
There was 4, now only 3. The one w/ the cracks in it has dissapeared, literally overnight!!! No chick, no trace of the egg, I looked all around. Like it was never there before! Does anybody have a clue on what could have happend???
I just candled the remaining eggs only to find that all the embryos had died. The eggs were about 1/2 full of fluid the rest was air, I'm guessing it was caused by the heat. I threw the eggs out and I'm now breaking my broody
Did you search for a chick? Alot of the times when all the chicks hatch the mom will eat the shells. If you can't find it maybe a predator got to it? Is she in an enclosed area away from predators? Sorry on your lose
Awww. I'm sorry.
No sign of a chick? That's really weird. A predator might have gotten your baby. I'm really sorry.

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