Is my Hen sick?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 9, 2009
For the past two days we noticed one of our hens (black partridge cochin) seems to be isolating herself from the others. She stands in one place with her eyes periodically closing then opening again. She didn't even respond when I threw some corn scratch out. When she moves it is very slow. She normally scampers away quickly when I reach down to touch her but now is very slow to move away.

Anyone have a guesses what may be wrong?


Is her face under her eyes swollen or is that just the picture?

Any other symptoms? And rattles? Raspy breathing? Abnormal stool?
She really doesn't look like she feels well in that picture. Poor girl! My young pullet actually had acted just like that,slow to move, not eating at treat time, closing her eyes when standing. I had found she had a sour crop. She is doing so much better now that she was treated.
But yes, let us know if you noticed any other symptoms.
No swelling under the eyes. I noticed her eyes looks strange when she's blinking. I'll have ask my kids about the stool because I haven't it lately. No raspy breathing as far as I can tell.
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How is she standing? Is she holding herself in an odd position? How about how she walks? Does she walk with her abdomen abnormally low? Anything at all abnormal?

It sounds like you can pick her up, right? If so, then I would give her a thorough external exam. Check even the bottom of her feet for sores. Check under her wings and near her vent for mites. Also check around her vent for sticky, yucky poop.

Anything at all may be a clue that can help figure out what's going on.

I once grabbed a chair and sat outside and just watched for an hour or so. It gave me a better idea of what to check in my sick hen.

Good luck!!
I isolated her in the garage and noticed that her poop is clear, watery, and has what appears to be egg yolk in it. I'm giving ACV for today and then some yogurt tomorrow.

I also noticed her wattle and comb are darker/redder than usual.
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Is she laying/ was she laying before? It's alarming that you are seeing what you believe to be the contents of an egg in her waste. Chickens can, while rare, have an egg break inside them and cause serious complications. Use the search feature here to read more about it. If that's what happened she will need prompt treatment.
Yes, she was laying up until this problem. I'll research what you suggested. Hopefully there is a way to definitely determine whether or not an egg broke.
Did you also find her poop to be runny? Is there mucus in each poop?

I had an egg bound hen and after the warm bath/ massage she expelled a weird mass and was fine.
I'm wondering if you can try that for this instance or if that would harm her?

To others out there, Are egg bound chickens always lethargic and off balance?

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