Is my pekin duckling okay? black feathers on head

@Tarina-Rose in response to your ovation, you should be able to sex them, if they're boys they'll have thick fat tree trunk legs and if you have any girls they'll have thinner legs and slightly smaller feet :)
the one is a little bigger than the other and not as nice when I take them out. he/she follows my hand and tries to bite me. once outside they are fine...I guess I am to assume that one is a male? the legs seem thicker too
ok, thanks.... he does it when I touch the other one too, opens his mouth at me and then starts biting. lol
Yeah again he's doing it not to be mean he just wants attention, boy Muscovies tend to actually be more affectionate to the girls, and since he doesn't have a hand he can't really 'grab you attention' any other way
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I'm surprised that I found this now. I have been researching it for a while. For some reason, this year Pekins are showing up with dark spots on their heads. I called around to the different hatcheries, and got an answer. While the hatchery is not clear on why it is happening, they assure me that I do in fact have Pekin ducks.

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