Is my silkie dying?


7 Years
Mar 14, 2013
I noticed one of my silkies was have trouble getting up and would stumble around and fall easily. She would flap her wings and would just make it worse for herself.

This morning I went out to give them some grapes and she was just lying on the ground I threw grapes in and she wouldn't even try to get one. She just kept sitting there when I went up to her. She eventually got up and fell over again, got trodden and then just lied there on her side with head under a log not even attempting to get up. I thought she had just died right there and then but I could still see her breathing.

She moves a lot slower than all the others and does not seem as nimble. Se is 3-4 months old.

What does this sounds like- if anything??
Can I do anything for her???
It's hard to say what is wrong. Silkies can get wry neck. Coccidiosis can also make a chicken weak and lethargic. Mareks comes to mind with the falling over and not getting up easily. Does she have any usual neck positions that would suggest wry/crook neck?
Before you worry about Marek's there are alot of questions that need to be answered. How is her overall health? Her weight? Is she skinny with her breast bone prominent? Have her eyes changed in anyway? What are you giving them for feed and treats? What kind of shavings are you using? Have you checked her for mites or lice? Has she been wormed lately? What does her poop look like? Are they getting any type of vitamins added? Sorry for all the questions but if you want help you need to give a full understanding to the rest of us so we can "see" and offer advice.
She is smaller than the others but I never thought much of it as the majority of our silkies are turning into roosters. She has always been more placid and slower than the others.

They eat pullet grower for feed and treats are vegetable peelings, bread, etc.

I wormed them about 3 weeks ago.

I haven't checked for lice or mites. Do I just check her feathers near the skin??

I'm not sure about her eyes as she's always had a pompom on her head.

We use straw for bedding.

I noticed the stumbling/falling a few weeks ago but she has really deteriorated


She has gotten worse and doesn't willingly get up. :( I am pretty sure she is not going to make it...

We have separated her from the others into a brooder.

I don't understand?? She is still so young:(
She is smaller than the others but I never thought much of it as the majority of our silkies are turning into roosters. She has always been more placid and slower than the others.

They eat pullet grower for feed and treats are vegetable peelings, bread, etc.

I wormed them about 3 weeks ago.

I haven't checked for lice or mites. Do I just check her feathers near the skin??

I'm not sure about her eyes as she's always had a pompom on her head.

We use straw for bedding.

I noticed the stumbling/falling a few weeks ago but she has really deteriorated

She has gotten worse and doesn't willingly get up.
I am pretty sure she is not going to make it...

We have separated her from the others into a brooder.

I don't understand?? She is still so young:(
Could be lot's of issues. Let's start with her poop,is it normal? Check her crop for impacted/sour crop. Check for lice/mites,under wings,vent area,tail feathers(close to skin). How is her vent,any discharge or poop stuck to her feathers?
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Was she vaccinated for Marek's or anything else? When you say stumble, what exactly do you mean? Like she caught her foot on something or as if the leg/foot isn't working right? Since she has been in the brooder, can you get her to stand and walk? I know you said she isn't doing it on her own but if stood up will she walk at all? Where was she in the pecking order? On the bottom of it perhaps?

Sometimes the slower, the odd, whatever will give up. They refuse to get up, try and hide in corners away from the others, only try to eat and drink after the others have gone to roost or are out of the coop. If possible I would spend some time holding and talking to her if it doesn't cause too much stress. If it does, just talking to her and letting her know someone is there may be enough to perk her up. If this is disease of some kind, you also need to know this, as your other birds have been exposed and may need antibiotics.
So sorry about your silkie. It sounds as though she might just have a weak heart or some problem she was born with since she has been a little slower all along. Silkies seem more fragile.
We've never had chickens before I don't even know what a crop is? I don't know which poo is hers?

By stumbling I mean she will fall over when walking around and can't get up and flaps around. She walks very slowly.

I feel way put of my depth.

She gets upset if we try to pick her up. When DH picked her up and put her down again she just fell to her left side and lay there on the brooder.

She was at the bottom of the pecking order i guess. always kept out of things. but I've never seen anyone be mean to her until today when our rooster pecked her. Most of my chicks have become roos I don't have a head hen.

Thanks for trying to help...

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