Is one scrambled egg for 5 chicks too much protein?

Karen Glatz

6 Years
Jun 28, 2017
They get wet starter crumble in the morning - dry is available during the day, and I've been giving them one scrambled egg in the evening. I give the dogs a mix of cooked meat and eggs at that time so it's easy to just do one more egg for the chicks.

The chicks are three weeks old and they go crazy for both the wet crumbles and the egg. I've recently read that chickens and chicks can get too much protein. They look like they are happy and growing fine though.
I think if you want to feed your birds something other than their regular feed, moderation is the key. I think feeding some growing birds eggs for a time would be fine as long as it is not every night of their lives.

It would be better to feed egg that is cooked without oil or salt, because those cause issues as much as excess protein does.
theyll eat anything .. chickens do best with routine though, so best not to give them bad habits .. they need to learn to get out there and get those bugs out of my yard, not stand there pooping by the door waiting for a handout lol .

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