Is rumpless sick?


11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Sweet Home Alabama
I have a rumpless hen who I noticed as she was drinking today that she had a large buildup of poop on her backside (first time for any of my birds). I was holding her by the feet for 10 or so minutes trimming the poo vent feathers and she vomited. OK, Did she simply loose her water that she just tanked up on because she was upside down for so long OR with the dirty bottom and vomit, is she sick? She seems healthy as the rest otherwise. Eating, drinking, clear eyes...... even after the episode. Please help!
I agree, it was the upside down thing that upset her tummy. Poor thing. "Snowflakes are one of nature’s most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together."... note chickens are fragile too.... look what they do when you hold them upside down for 10 mins!!!
I didn't think about it at the time, I was so concerned about her bottom. .......I felt really bad, still do. My thought was "poor girl" too.

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